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Forensic DNA Examiner, FBI
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Brandon is a Forensic DNA Examiner with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Working out of Arlington, VA, Brandon is tasked with examining the DNA evidence from cases ranging from counter-terrorism to murders and missing persons. After selecting the relevant evidence for testing, Brandon then decides which evidence will be used in trial cases.
Salary & Industry Outlook:
Occupational Outlook Handbook, ONET
Brandon is a Forensic DNA Examiner with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Working out of Arlington, VA, Brandon is tasked with examining the DNA evidence from cases ranging from counter-terrorism to murders and missing persons. After selecting the relevant evidence for testing, Brandon then decides which evidence will be used in trial cases.
Salary & Industry Outlook:
Occupational Outlook Handbook, ONET
Science (Bachelor), Forensic Science (Masters)
College: Penn State University
City: Arlington
State: Virginia
College: Penn State University
City: Arlington
State: Virginia
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