Feel free to browse our entire video library by clicking on “Career Profiles” or “Get Hired” below then on a “Channel” option. You will not be able to WATCH the videos within the channels, only BROWSE. If you want to WATCH videos please visit our Sample Videos page.

Candid Career has created an extensive video library dedicated to helping you get hired. From interview preparation videos to step-by-step networking advice, you will find every topic you need within our Get Hired "channels."
Channels are dedicated to all different types of topics such as résumé writing business etiquette, and preparing for career fairs. Most topics include an overview of the topic, relevant subtopics, and interview snippets with advice from industry professionals.
We currently have over 50 Get Hired topics with hundreds of videos. Whether you want to know how to land a job when you don't have job experience yet or you have made it through the first round and need second round interview tips and questions, there is a video for you.
There are countless books, articles, pamphlets, and presentations focused on helping people get hired. Yet these resources require a significant time commitment. What if you could prepare for your career on your own time by watching short videos?
Our Get Hired videos are brief and packed with relevant information. With our standard interview preparation video time of only a few minutes, we cover a lot of ground fast. Watch or listen on your own time and as many times as you need.
Stop stressing and start watching! Candid Career offers a virtual, searchable library accessible at any time. Our low subscription rates grant access to over 6500 videos and advice from thousands of professionals. To learn more about individual plans or request a free demo for your organization or school, contact the Candid Career team today!