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College Majors
Caroline is a Housing and Consumer Staff Attorney with Legal Aid in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her work sees her representing low-income tenants and consumers in both state and federal courts throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, fighting cases
such as unjust evictions or housing conditions.
Philosophy (Bachelor), Philosophy (Masters), JD (Doctorate)
City: Charlottesville
State: Virginia
City: Charlottesville
State: Virginia
Attorney, Real Estate
Joshua is a Real Estate Attorney with Wooden McLaughlin LLP in Indianapolis, IN. As a form of a transaction attorney, Joshua is dealing mainly with either commercial developers or the banks they work with for loans. Joshua walks us through the entire
process of a real estate development deal and describes the long-term gratitude of seeing completed projects in the future.
Economics and Philosophy (Bachelor), Philosophy (Masters), Juris Doctor (Doctorate)
City: Indianapolis
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
State: Indiana
Hospital Administrator
Val is a Public Health Professional and Hospital Administrator in Statesboro, GA. As a doctoral student at Georgia Southern's College of Public Health, Val is currently teaching graduate classes as a teaching assistant. She explains how her
time as a counselor at the YMCA opened her eyes to child behavioral issues and sparked her interest in public health.
Maternal and Child Health (Masters), History (Masters), Philosophy (Masters), Community Health (Doctorate)
City: Statesboro
State: Georgia
City: Statesboro
State: Georgia
Internet Entrepreneur
Mohit is the co-founder of CoTrain based out of Seattle, WA. While working for Microsoft's XBox division, Mohit had the realization that large corporations spend too much of their own time interviewing prospective hires (sometime's up to
150 hours). He saw a problem in the marketplace and created a solution: let these corporations outsource their candidate interviewing to him.
Economics (Masters), Philosophy (Masters)
City: Seattle
State: Washington
City: Seattle
State: Washington