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College Majors
Career Counselor
Michelle is a Career Counselor with the Career Development Center at California State University Long Beach. Whether in one-on-one sessions or presenting to large classrooms, Michelle's goal is the same: evaluate the skills and desires of a
student and help them find the appropriate career path.
Social Ecology (Bachelor), Counseling (Masters)
City: Long Beach
State: California
City: Long Beach
State: California
Law Professor
George is a Professor and the Department Chair of the Division of Justice and Law Administration at Western Connecticut State University. It was during his time working as a probation officer in the state's Judicial Branch when a colleague first
planted the idea of teaching in his head. After obtaining a PhD in Criminal Justice, George began teaching at Western Connecticut State University, starting as a part-time adjunct professor and advancing to where he is today as both a full professor
and Chair of the department. Needing to supplement the in-class academia with real world exposure, George requires his classes to join him on trips to area prisons where he shows students that all humans, even felons, deserve basic human dignity.
Justice and Law Administration (Bachelor), Counseling (Masters), Criminal Justice (Doctorate)
City: Danbury
State: Connecticut
City: Danbury
State: Connecticut
Karren is a licensed professional counselor with her own practice in Kent, CT. Karren returned to school for her Masters in Counseling after realizing her passion was helping people discover ways to live with mental and emotional issues. Seeing
anywhere from five to eight clients per day, Karren advises students interested in the entrepreneurial spirit of a private practice to outsource any of the lesser-known business aspects that pull them away from their ultimate goal.
Liberal Arts (Bachelor), Counseling (Masters)
City: Kent
State: Connecticut
City: Kent
State: Connecticut