Video Upload Guidelines

Thank you for helping us in our mission of providing the largest catalog of professional video interviews with real career insights available on the web today! We would love to know about YOUR career and how you feel about it in a quick 5-minute video. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Your thoughts will help kids and even adults looking to switch careers determine what career is right for them.


  • BE CANDID! Painting a false picture of your career can only hurt our viewers.
  • All you have to do is talk about your career and yourself on video. With the first two questions below being absolutes, try to cover as much of the following as possible:
    • Explain in detail what your job is and entails.
    • How could someone prepare for your job? (i.e. College Major)
    • What do you like about it?
    • What do you find challenging or dislike about it?
    • What skills and personality does it take to be successful?
    • Anything else you’d like to add if time (hours, travel, pay, etc.)
    • Any final advice for kids.
  • Keep videos to a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • Speak only on the topic of your career and your own experience.
  • Be passionate and honest but please refrain from using profanity.
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Uploading Videos

How do I upload a video?

You must have an account with in order to upload a video. Once logged in to select the “Upload” button located on the top menu bar. This will take you to the Upload Video screen.

  1. Enter your video Title, Tags, and Description

    • Title – Keep to 1-3 words
    • Tags – Enter 1-6 tags. Tags should be descriptive words that help identify the video. All tags should start with an uppercase letter and be separated by a comma. Example: “Shoes, Designer, Fashion, Retail, Entrepreneur”
    • Description – Highlight some key points in the video such as college major and skills required. In addition, some information about the person being interviewed such as Bob has 15 years experience as a Financial Advisor.

  2. Select 1-3 Channels that best describe your video.

  3. Select the “Next” button.

  4. Select the “Choose File” button under Video Upload to browse your computer to select the desired video file.

  5. Select the “Upload” button when complete.
    Note: A progress bar will appear with the estimate upload time.

I cannot find the video I just uploaded?

All videos uploaded to go through our approval process before being released for viewing. Videos are reviewed based on the content and relevance to Candid Career’s mission. In addition, we review the quality of the video, including the visibility and sound.

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Login Account & User Profile

How do I sign up for an account?

On the menu bar at the top select the link, “Sign Up” located on the top right corner of the page. Complete the required fields and then select the “Sign Up” button. An email will be sent to the email account you entered to verify your email address.

I forgot my User Name and/or Password.

On the homepage select the link, “Forgot your password” under the Member Login section. (Below the main video player) This will take you to a page where you can enter your email address and we will send your user name and password.

Why should I create an account?

An account will give you access to the full video library. Only the featured videos are available to watch for free. Some additional highlights of having an account are it allows you to save your favorite videos and share them with your friends.

How do I change my password or email address?

After you have logged in to select your User Name at the top right corner of the page. This will take you to your profile. Under “Account Information” you can enter a new email address. In addition, you can change your password by entering a new password in the “Password” field as well as the “Confirm Password” field. Select the “Update Profile” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

How do I update my profile?

After you have logged in to select your User Name at the top right of corner of the page. This will take you to your profile. Make any necessary changes then Select the “Update Profile” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

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Viewing & Searching Videos

How do I search for interviews on

There are several ways of searching for videos.

  • Search– There is a search box at the top right of the homepage. You can enter a keyword then select “Search Videos” from the dropdown box then select the “Search” button.
  • Watch – Select the “Watch” tab from the top menu bar. There are numerous filter links you can select such as “Most Recent” or “Most Viewed”.
  • Homepage – Select any video from the homepage.
  • Channels – Select the “Channels” tab from the top menu bar. There are numerous career channels to select from such as “Education” & “Sales”.
  • Groups – Select the “Groups” tab from the top menu bar. Our users create the groups. An example of a group could be an Engineering Association posted all related engineering videos.
  • Tags – Each video has tags or keywords associated with it. You can view the most popular and recent tags at the bottom of the homepage.

  • Note: You must have a account in order to watch our videos.

How can I get more specific search results?

Use the search box at the top right of the homepage to enter a keyword that relates to the career you are looking for. If a certain career is not available you can contact us at to suggest additional career interviews.

How can I find careers related to a specific industry?

Select the “Channel” tab for career categories or select the “Groups” tab for more specific groups and/or industries that are created by our users. If a certain industry or group is not available you can contact us at to suggest additional channels and/or groups.

Who are the people in the videos?

The interviewees are individuals who agreed to share their thoughts for the benefit of users. They are ordinary professionals from many career fields in various states across the country.

Were the videos scripted in any way?

No. What you see in our video interviews are candid responses from each professional. They were not influenced or scripted in any way. Thus, what you are viewing is 100% real.

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Commenting, Sharing, & Saving Videos

How can I invite a friend to Candid Career?

You must have an account with to invite friends to the website.

  1. Select the “Friends” link at the top right of the homepage.
  2. Select the “Invite More” link at the top menu.
  3. Enter your friend’s email addresses. A comma should separate email addresses.
  4. Enter a personal message if desired.
  5. Select the “Invite” button at the bottom of the page.

Can I email a video to a friend?

Yes, you must be logged in to in order to send an email to a friend.

  1. Browse then select the video you desire to share with your friend.
  2. In the video player select the “i” with a circle around it on the lower right hand side of the player.
  3. Select the “Mail” image.
  4. Enter your email, your friend’s email address, as well as a personal message.
  5. Select the “Send” button.
  6. After selecting send you will see a “Success” comment flash on the lower left hand side of the player.

How do I comment on a video?

After selecting a video for viewing there will be a set of links below the video. Select the “Write Comments” link. Enter your comments in the textbox then select the “Post Comment” button. Your comment will be added to the video and other users will be able to view it.

How can I save my favorite videos?

After selecting a video for viewing there will be a set of links below the video. Select the “Add to Favorites” link. You will receive a message that it was successfully added to your favorites.

Where can I access my favorite videos?

After you have logged in to select “My Videos” under the “My Stats” header on the homepage located on the under right below the menu bar. Then select “My Favorites” link under the menu bar.

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Channels & Groups

Can I create a Channel?

No. staff controls and creates the channels. However, you can suggest a Channel to us. Please email us at with Channel Suggestions.

Can I create a Group?

Yes. After you have logged in to select the “Groups” tab on the top menu. Select the “Create Group” link. Complete the form and select the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Once your group is created you can edit it and add videos.

What is the benefit of setting up a group?

A group can help users find out more information about your niche career area, Association, and/or Company. For example, if I am a leader of a Robotics Association I can use the group feature to create a “Robotics” group and post career videos as well as discussions about this niche area of engineering.

How do I join a group?

After you have logged in to select the “Groups” tab. Browse the groups available. Select the desired group then select the “Join Group” button. After you are a member of the group you can upload videos and participate in discussions with the group.

I posted a new video but it is not showing up in the group?

Depending on the group owner’s preferences videos may have to be approved by the group owner prior to being posted.

I posted a new topic for discussion but it is not showing up in the group?

Depending on the group owner’s preferences topics for discussion may have to be approved by the group owner prior to being posted.

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Your Friends & Community

How do I add friends?

After you have logged in to select the “Community” tab from the menu bar. Select the desired username. Select the “Add to Friends”. An email will be sent to your friend who will have to accept your invitation. Hint: It is helpful to know what your friend’s usernames are prior to looking them up.

What is the benefit of having friends?

Once you become friends with someone you have access to see their “Favorite Videos” as well as the videos that they have uploaded to In addition, you can see whom their friends are in order to make connections for a possible career mentor.

How can I tell how many and who my friends are?

After you have logged in to under the “My Stats” header it will list the number of friends you have. Select the link and it will take you to the “Friends” page. This page will list your friends.

What is a View?

A view is a way for you to organize your friends. You can create your own views such as “Co-workers”, “Mentors”, “Family”, etc. This will help you organize your career connections.

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What browsers are best to view is best viewable through the latest version of Internet Explorer (7.0 & higher), Firefox (3.0 & higher) and/or Safari

The videos will not play?

Upgrade your computer to Adobe Flash Player (10.3 & higher)

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Why Candid Career

How can I benefit from

To get the most out of, it is important to keep an open mind. Browse through as many videos as you can over time and watch them in full. All videos are full of very useful and different advice.

Why over another career site?

We interview real professionals. Real people plus real feelings equals really good career advice! Our video interviews are unique in the arena of career help websites, and our catalog of videos is one of a kind. You are sure to hear from professionals doing jobs that you did not know existed.

Am I too old or too young to benefit from

Our website is available to anyone who may be considering their first career, or a new career. There is no age limit up or down. Even if you are not considering a career move at the moment, come on the site and watch some interviews. There are some intriguing stories within our video library of interviews.

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Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. If you have comments or questions, please contact us by sending an email to the following address:

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