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College Majors
Alphabetical Search
- Accountancy (Bachelor)(2)
- Accountancy (Masters)(1)
- Accounting (Bachelor)(48)
- Accounting (Masters)(2)
- Accounting and Finance (Bachelor)(1)
- Accounting and Financial Management (Masters)(1)
- Acting (Bachelor)(1)
- Acting (Masters)(4)
- Administration (Masters)(2)
- Administration of Justice (Bachelor)(2)
- Adolescence Education (Bachelor)(1)
- Adult and Organizational Development (Masters)(1)
- Advertising (Bachelor)(6)
- Advertising Communication (Bachelor)(1)
- Advertising-Public Relations (Bachelor)(1)
- Aerospace Engineering (Bachelor)(3)
- Aerospace Engineering (Doctorate)(1)
- Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics (Bachelor)(1)
- African American Studies (Bachelor)(6)
- African Studies (Bachelor)(1)
- Aging and Health Studies (Associate)(1)
- Agricultural & Food Business Management (Bachelor)(2)
- Agricultural and Extension Education (Bachelor)(1)
- Agricultural Economics (Bachelor)(1)
- Agricultural Education (Bachelor)(1)
- Agricultural Engineering (Bachelor)(1)
- Agricultural Science (Bachelor)(2)
- Allied Health (Bachelor)(1)
- American History (Bachelor)(1)
- Anatomy (Bachelor)(1)
- Animal Science (Bachelor)(2)
- Animal Science (Masters)(1)
- Anthropology (Bachelor)(8)
- Anthropology (Doctorate)(1)
- Anthropology (Masters)(1)
- Apparel Marketing (Bachelor)(1)
- Applied Behavior Analysis (Masters)(1)
- Applied Science & Technology (Doctorate)(1)
- Architectural Drafting/Construction Technology (Associate)(1)
- Architectural Studies (Bachelor)(2)
- Architecture (Bachelor)(9)
- Architecture (Bachelor) (Bachelor)(1)
- Architecture (Masters)(3)
- Art (Bachelor)(7)
- Art (Masters)(1)
- Art Conservation (Bachelor)(1)
- Art Education (Bachelor)(1)
- Art History (Bachelor)(4)
- Art History (Masters)(2)
- Art History and Drawing (Bachelor)(1)
- Asian American Studies (Bachelor)(1)
- Asian Studies (Bachelor)(1)
- Athletic Training (Bachelor)(2)
- Atmospheric Science (Masters)(1)
- Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing (Associate)(1)
- Automated Systems Technology (Associate)(1)